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DRAFT PROGRAMME*subject to change



day 1

DAY 1      Monday 16th November 2020   

TIME                 PROGRAMME 

09:45 - 11:00

What does Hope Look Like in November 2020
To hope implies a wish for a future certainty in these uncertain times, we have to do something with our complex feelings in order to find different pathways through all this and towards sustainable action, don’t we?

Naresh Giangrande from the Deep Adaptation Forum in conversation with 
Caroline Hickman from the University of Bath & Climate Psychology Alliance will explore hope and hopelessness in the face of the climate and bio-diversity crisis.

Clover Hogan, Climate Activist, and Founder, Force of Nature

Jennifer Uchendu, Founder, Sustyvibes, Nigeria

Welcome &  International Keynote

11:05 - 12:15

Live Interactive Workshop Sessions

Session A -Learning, Research and Students

SDG Accord Signatory Workshop
Coping with Anxiety and sustainability in higher education what is your future vision?

Session D - International Green Gown Awards Highly Commended
Charles Sturt University, Australia - Creating a world worth living in 


Followed by Interactive Networking Discussion

Session C -Climate The Little Book of Green Nudges
European Launch of this little book, looking at which nudges work best to encourage more sustainable practices among students and staff.

Session B -Science Based Targets
SBTs and our approach to zero-carbon energy emissions including Scope 3.

12:30 - 13:45

International Keynote

The Future Now

What are the current trends and resources that we already have available which will help us to reach our carbon targets faster, better, and more efficiently? In this session, we'll hear about what we should all collectively do to reset the socio-economic environment for a more "sustainable and inclusive future".


HRH The Prince of Wales

Dan Bishop, Organisational Development Advisor, Caplor Horizon (Chair)

Jamie Beck Alexander, Director of Drawdown Labs, Project Drawdown

Alastair Driver, Director, Rewilding Britain

Elouise Mayall, Final year ecology student, University of East Anglia and coordinator for the UK's first local Conference of Youth

14:00 - 15:00

Live Interactive Workshop Sessions

Session A -Leadership and Governance

SDG Accord Signatory Workshop
Outstanding Leadership Team of the Year: Embedding "Embracing Sustainability" into Nottingham Trent University's Strategy

Session B - Partnerships Society and Engagement
The Second Curve, Thoughts on Reinventing Society

Session C - International Green Gown Award Winner

Ayshire college, 


Mental Health United

Session D:  Campus, Community and Operations
Preventing Waste by Reselling Redundant Equipment with UniGreenScheme

15:15 - 15:45

Live Interactive Workshop Sessions

Session A - Learning, Research and Students
Kickstart your sustainability teams with Change Agents and SOS-UK, supported by EAUC

Session B - Partnerships, Society and Engagement
Conscious Consumerism: from student demand to shopping reality

Session C - Campus, Community & Operations

SDG Accord Signatory Workshop
Lean methodology can influence prosustainable behaviour change in a 24/7 biomedical laboratory culture.

Session D - International Green Gown Awards Highly Commended
University of Graz, Austria - How "Greta" is our University? - Sustainability Days at the University of Graz

16:00 - 17:15

Hillside Environmental - Leadership Roundtable:  "Skills for a Green Recovery," What does formal education need to do to ensure students are getting the skills needed to Build Back Better?                

day 2


DAY 2         Tuesday 17th November 2020    

TIME                 PROGRAMME 

09:45 - 11:00

Welcome & International Keynote

Local Climate and Community Engagement

Institutions around the world engage with their local communities and contribute to their local climate, both environmentally and socially.  In this session we will look at inspiring initiatives Institutions in several nations are engaging in with their local communities.

Magda Núñez, Sustainable Club Member and President in the CAHE Club, Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola, Peru (Chair)
Joan Concannon, Director External Relations & Festival of Ideas, University of York
Dr Frederick Kakembo, Deputy Vice Chancellor, Ndejje University, Uganda
Galia García-Hjarles, Sustainability Director, Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola, Peru            


11:05 - 12:15

Session C  - International Green Gown Award Winner
International Islamic University Malaysia Governing Climate Action: Towards the IIUM Whole Institutional Transformation Approach

Live Interactive Workshop Sessions

Session A - Learning, Research and Students
Building a Global Challenges Doctoral Research Community - strategies for success

Session B - Partnerships, Society & Engagement
SDG Accord Signatory Workshop

University of South Africa and Catholic University of Zimbabwe:  Promoting sustainable energy: Educational institutions as energy innovation hubs

Session D - Climate
Student Movement for Divestment at the University of Manchester

12:45 - 13:45

Live International Keynote

Economics of Sustainability
This session aims to help you gain a better understanding and equip you with information you can use to persuade and influence leaders that sustainability is 'Just Good Business' by adopting new theories of sustainable economics.

Lily Tomson, Head of Networks, ShareAction (Chair)

Dave Gorman, Director of Social Responsibility and Sustainability, University of Edinburgh

Dr Nina Seega, Research Director for Sustainable Finance at the Cambridge Institute for Sustainable Leadership
Katarzyna Szwarc, Policy Fellow in the LSE Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment
Maurizio Zollo, Head of Business School's Department of Management and Entrepreneurship, Imperial College London            


14:00 - 15:00

Live Interactive Workshop Sessions

Session A - Learning, Research and Students

SDG Accord Signatory Workshop
The SDGs and Me: How the SDGs can help to
inspire the next generation of Sustainability
Leaders in STEM

Session B - Partnerships, Society and Engagement

SDG Accord Signatory Workshop
Sustainable Technical Education Workforce Development: Curriculum, Campus, Community and Culture 

Session C - Campus, Community & Operations

SDG Accord Signatory Workshop
Responding to the Climate Emergency – A Strategic Approach for the Education Sector

Session D - International Green Gown Award Winner
Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola, Peru - USIL Sustainable Living Lab in Occopata, a community in Cusco at 4,000 mas

15:15 - 15:45

Live Interactive Workshop Sessions

Session A - Learning, Research and Students

SDG Accord Signatory Workshop
5 Years Back and 5 Years Ahead: A review of Responsible Futures

Session B - Leadership and Governance

SDG Accord Signatory Workshop
Managing environmental sustainability for transformation at City University

Session C - International Green Gown Awards Highly Commended
University of Worcester - Small but Mighty - University of Worcester punches above its weight 

Session D:  Campus, Community and Operations
The next generation of BREEAM: whole-life performance as a service

16:00 - 17:15

day 3


DAY 3            Wednesday 18th November 2020       

TIME                 PROGRAMME 

09:45 - 11:00

Welcome & Live International Keynote

Transformational Student Engagement

Getting students to engage can be challenging, getting them to engage in a way that changes not only their perspective but drives them to influence their institutions, peers, and communities is what we are all aiming for as educators. In this session, we will hear from students who have been so challenged that they've undertaken to inspire and lead others.


Liliia Akatova, Student, Vienna University of Economics and Business @ oikos Vienna (Chair)

Chester James-Smith, Medical Student, University of Tasmania and Winner of the Australasian Green Gown Award - Student Champion in Green Impact

Dimitri-Marios Stoidis, President, Enactus Southampton  

Virendra Rawat, Founder, and Director, Global Green School     


11:05 - 11:40

Live Interactive Workshop Sessions

Session A:  Learrning, Research and Students
International Green Gown Award Winner
SDG Accord Signatory Workshop

Embedding Education for Sustainable Development in Undergraduate Curricula: Challenges and (hopefully) Solutions 

Session B:  Leadership and Governance
SDG Accord Signatory Workshop

Mass Engagement in Climate Action

Session C:  Parnternships, Society  & Engagement
SDG Accord Signatory Workshop

Are we shooting for SDG success?

Session D - International Green Gown Awards Highly Commended
University of Wollongong – Australia
Desert Rose – A House for Life Demonstrating Sustainable Dementia Friendly Design


Followed by Interactive Networking

11:45 - 12:15

Live Interactive Workshop Sessions

SUEZ Session

Climate Justice

This session aims to look at the climate crisis by touching on various ways that climate and justice are inextricably linked. This session will give us a glimpse of the kinds of issues that we face as we try to equip ourselves to face the global climate crisis, briefly looking at the history and effects of colonialism; race and genre issues; climate refugees; how inequality can affect the curriculum and ending with some valuable practical ways we can support equality and justice in our organisations.

Nona McDuff, Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Students and Teaching, Solent University (Chair)

Sara Khan,Vice President for Liberation & Equality, National Union of Students

Maya Prabhu, Associate Professor of Psychiatry, Yale School of Medicine
Rhian Sherrington, Founder, Women in Sustainability

12:45 - 13:45

International Keynote

14:00 - 15:00

Live Interactive Workshop Sessions

Session A - Learning, Research and Students
Developing Research and its impact

Session B - Leadership and Governance
Using Energy Data and Eco-Campus / ISO Systems to Influence Senior Management

Session C - Campus, Community & Operations

SDG Accord Signatory Workshop
Revealing the Hidden - integrating Education for Sustainability into Estates and Operations

Session D - International Green Gown Award Winner
Facens University Center, Brazil - ECOGING – Empower to Change the Game

15:15 - 15:45

Live Interactive Workshop Sessions

Session A - Learning, Research and Students

SDG Accord Signatory Workshop
Engaging Students as Partners in Tackling Climate Policy Issues: A Northumbria Case Study

Session B - Leadership and Governance

SDG Accord Signatory Workshop
Inspiring leadership from within: How Kent’s staff engagement programme led to student leadership and governance to address the climate crisis

Session C - Climate

SDG Accord Signatory Workshop
Climate Justice in Leadership; Radically Democratising Higher and Further Education

Session D:  Leadership and Governance
lessons from a small country.  Building on the introduction of the Well-being of Future Generations Act in Wales, Lord John Bird (Big Issue) and Caroline Lucas (Green Party) are proposing a UK equivalent.

16:00 - 17:15

day 4


DAY 4           Thursday 19th November 2020       

TIME                 PROGRAMME 

09:45 - 11:00

Welcome & International Keynote

Race to Zero

Get involvd in Race To Zero - a global campaign to rally, leadership, and support businesses, cities, regions, investors for a healthy, resilient, zero carbon recovery that prevents future threats, creates decent jobs and unlocks inclusive, sustainable growth.


Sam Barrat, Chief, Youth, Education & Advocacy, UN Environment, Nairobi, Kenya 

Noor Ahmad Akhundzadah, Dean and Assistant Professor in Faculty of Environment, University of Kabul, Afghanistan 

Professor Izael da Silva, Deputy Vice Chancellor, Research and Innovation, Strathmore University, Kenya

Gonzalo Muñoz, High-Level Champion of Chile: COP26 Champion

Nigel Topping, High-Level Champion of United Kingdom: COP26 Champion


11:05 - 11:45

Climate Commission International Panel

The Climate Commission for UK Higher and Further Education is an unique coalition between 4 key agencies and are supporting colleges and universities in the UK to become net-zero and to ensure education is a key part of COP26. Come and learn about the latest evidence to date from the Climate Commission and a chance to debate what barriers exist for institutions to achieving net-zero and the actions that these key agencies can do to help support the sector. This model could be replicated across the world to bring about real change in the education sector

Christopher Hale, Director of Policy, Universities UK (Chair)

Steven Kandola, Policy Lead - Skills Strategy, Skills Strategy Division, Department of Education

Ian Munro, Area Director (South West), DIrector Association of Colleges Charitable Trust
Alison Robinson, Deputy Executive Chair, Natural Environment Research Council

11:45 - 12:45

Lunch Break and Virtual Exhibition

12:00 - 12:30

MOCK COP26 Launch

EAUC are official supporters of the Mock COP26. We encourage you to attend the opening ceremony of Mock COP26. It will be broadcast on the Mock COP26 YouTube channel. The Opening Ceremony includes:
Jayathma Wickramanayake, Sri Lanka, UN Youth Envoy
Jayathma Wickramanayake, UN Secretary-General's Envoy on Youth
Licypriya Kangujam, Climate Acitivist, India

The Rt Hon Alok Sharma, MP, Minister for COP26            

12:45 - 13:45

International Keynote

The Future of Global Research

What will research look like in the future? The future of global research must be to use innovative and creative ways to explore a vastly changing industry and environment. In this session, we hear from leading researchers and institutions, for their insights and perspective on what will shape the future of global research.

Kate Hamer, Deputy Director International, UK Research and Innovation (Chair)
Dr Gansen Pillay, Deputy Chief Executive, South Africa's National Research Foundation
Dr Marcos Regis da Silva, Executive Director, Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research
Prof.  Katherine Richardson, Professor of Biological Oceanography, University of Copenhagen         

14:00 - 15:00

Live Interactive Workshop Sessions

Session A - Leadership & Governance

What Does Sustainable Leadership look Like? 

Session B - Partnerships, Society and Engagement
SDG Accord Signatory Workshop

Re-Imagining the Further and Higher Education Sector without air travel

Session C - Climate
A Fireside Chat in Memory of Wangari Maathai: Placing Young People at the Heart of Decision Making

Session D - International Green Gown Award Winners
Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola, Peru - Building a better future through USIL´s sustainable management model 

15:15 - 15:45

Live Interactive Workshop Sessions

Session A - Learning, Research and Students
Laying the ‘Foundations’ for Sustainability in Higher Education

Session B - Partnerships, Society and Engagement
How tertiary education can lead the way on the climate crisis through sustainable food
and farming

Session D:  Learning, Research and Students
Global Youth Energy Outlook - Student Energy - Bolivia

Session D - International Green Gown Award Highly Commended
Universidad del Norte, Colombia - University activism for the conservation of ecosystems 

16:00 - 17:15

Sustainability Leadership Roundtable - "Achieving Net Zero and a Sustainable Pandemic Recovery" What do institutions need to do to meet their net-zero targets and how to ensure the pandemic recovery is sustainable.                

day 5


DAY 5           Friday 20th November 2020       

TIME                 PROGRAMME 

09:45 - 11:00

Welcome & Live International Keynote

The Eye of the Storm - living and contributing in wild times
Mac Macartney - Live international speaker, writer and change-maker
Mac intertwines themes rarely associated with each other – the quest for meaning and purpose, organisational leadership, nature, identity and the role of ordinary people in shaping a future fit for generations to come.

11:05 - 12:15

Live Interactive Workshop Sessions and Interactive Networking Discussions

Session A - Learning, Research and Students

Sulitest: Building a Sustainable Future Together

Session B - Campus, Community & Operations
IGNITION – Nature Based Solutions Living Lab: Impact on Technology, Investment and Greater Manchester Community

Session C - Campus, Community & Operations
Offsetting Principles and Discussion

12:15 - 12:45

Lunch Break and Virtual Exhibition

12:45 - 13:45

International Keynote

Nature Based Solutions

Wild spaces might help us to mitigate some of the most pressing issues of our time, from climate change and biodiversity collapse, but also create more prosperity and less anxious people. We will look at ways institutions around the world are looking to Nature Based solutions to repair the damage and re-energise us for the task ahead.


Sarah Mukherjee, CEO, Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment (Chair)
Gillian Burke, Natural History Television Programme Producer, and Presenter
Chantal van Ham, Programme Manager, Nature Based Solutions, International Union for the Conservation of Nature

Rob Stoneman, Rewilding Area Co-ordinator, Rewilding Europe

14:00 - 14:30

Live Interactive Workshop Sessions

Session A - Learning, Research and Students

SDG Accord Signatory Workshop
The Sustainable Futures Online Course - Lessons learned and Ideas for You

Session B - International Green Gown Awards 2020 Video Showcase

Session C - Campus, Community & Operations

SDG Accord Signatory Workshop
Keele’s story of an evolving, integrated sustainable energy system: Partnership, practice and potential

14:40 -15:10

Live Interactive Workshop Sessions

Session A - Learning, Research and Students

SDG Accord Signatory Workshop
Sustainable futures through online learning

Session B - Leadership and Governance

SDG Accord Signatory Workshop
West Downs Development – Health and wellbeing targets

Session C - Climate

SDG Accord Signatory Workshop
Restoring the Wild: human dimensions of climate mitigation

15:15 - 15:45

Live Interactive Workshop Sessions

Session A - Learning, Research and Students
Greening the Research Funding System – Opportunities and Barriers

Session B - Partnerships, Society and Engagements

SDG Accord Signatory Workshop
Tap into sustainability ...Refill and Hydrate your Campuses and Communities

Session C - Climate

SDG Accord Signatory Workshop
We’re not here to teach people how to

16:00 - 17:15

Leadership Roundtable:  The Role of Student Leaders in a Climate Crisis" What are the opportunities and barriers that students face in engaging with their institutions to meet their net-zero targets and ensure what they are taught is fit for their needs.                

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